Solea Laser

Advancing Dental Treatments with Laser Dentistry


Solea dental laser technology helps our office provide a wide array of dental procedures with better outcomes in a shorter window of time. This technology helps us create a stress-free and pain-free experience for our patients without compromising their quality of care. Solea is extremely versatile and can be used for both hard and soft-tissue procedures. This advanced CO2 dental laser can eliminate the need for anesthesia, and it is vibrationless and noiseless. This minimally invasive laser system has helped us improve the lives of patients by allowing us to provide more accurate results, reduced treatment times, and shorter healing periods after treatment.


Major benefits of laser dentistry include:

  • Procedures may not require sutures.
  • Treatment does not require anesthesia.
  • Minimizes bleeding, aids in blood clotting.
  • Minimal risk of infection.
  • Reduced damage to surrounding tissue.
  • Faster healing process through tissue regeneration.


Solea uses a specialized wavelength guided by sophisticated computers to deliver easy and painless procedures. This option is less invasive than working with a traditional handpiece, and can even offer cleaner, more accurate results in a shorter time frame.


Happy Patients



No Anesthesia

Eliminate your need for anesthesia for your dental therapy by choosing to use the Solea laser. Many patients report no need for any anesthesia, and at most may choose to incorporate a topical anesthetic for the procedure. This allows us to keep appointments short and patients feel comfortable and totally clear-headed after their procedure is complete. If you have concerns about sedation dentistry, talk to our team about using the Solea laser to eliminate your need for anesthetic.


Quicker Healing After Treatment

Some pre-existing medical conditions could be connected with slow healing or frequent oral infections. The Solea laser may be the better treatment method for patients with chronic health conditions, because it can aid in the healing process. It may also be recommended for patients with orthodontic appliances because the laser can easily navigate around any appliances. If you live with a chronic health condition, or if you have traditional braces, talk to our team about how the Solea laser can help improve your dental care.


A Modern Practice for Today's Patients

Our modern practice is proud to be on the cutting edge of dental technology, and we are thrilled to offer contemporary treatments options for our valued patients. Whether you require treatment for simple cavities or something more complex, Solea can create an easy and efficient treatment experience.


The Solea laser was made with patients in mind, so you can expect a totally comfortable and easy experience at your next dental visit. With its precision accuracy and minimally invasive approach, the Solea laser can greatly enhance your treatment experience. Talk to our team to learn more about our laser technology and find out if it would be the best course of treatment for your dental health.